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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Waiting for the Bus free essay sample
The previous summer, I got myself  sitting on a sofa inverse a 38-year-old Filipino man named Peter who possessed a scent like stale fish, soil, and a fantasy conceded. â€Å"Where are you from?†I inquired. â€Å"Here.†â€Å"What made you homeless?†â€Å"I need my green card.†â€Å"Where do you remain and get food?†â€Å"I need my green card. I need †¦ my green card. I go clean the shopping center. I make arrangements for the future.†I later found, by chatting with the soup kitchen staff, that Peter is intellectually disabled. He moved to the U.S. at the point when he was five, yet he despite everything had a highlight. He most likely previously had his citizenship. This was an offbeat method to investigate a social theme. My best friend’s mother was the supervisor at a destitute safe house, and their gathering pledges occasion was coming up. My companion was a film major at our school, and I was a performance center major, so we pooled our gifts and made a narrative about the reasons for vagrancy and how the haven had helped many discover guiding, food, safe house, and showers. We will compose a custom article test on Hanging tight for the Bus or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I talked with; she recorded. It immediately became evident that  Peter wasn’t the main vagrant with apparently unrealistic issues. There was Don, a 58-year-old expert alcoholic who had been in and out of recovery and prison the greater part of his life. He was a beautiful narrator †he reviewed in striking point of interest being there the first run through Ozzy Osbourne bit off a bat’s head. A maryjane stem was inked on his arm. At the point when he was 15, his companion began to ink the tattoo, yet Don chose to stop part of the way through the procedure †a suitable allegory for his life. Each time he went into recovery, each time it looked as though he had discovered stable job, he quit part of the way through. At that point there was the lady basically known as the Bag Lady. A neurotic schizophrenic, she had amassed a  collection of garbage and kept it in a basic food item truck, never letting it out of her sight. She went through her days sitting tight for a transport that never came; she would investigate every one that passed her stop, perpetually concluding it was an inappropriate one. She kept all her garments layered on her body, in any event, during the harshly sweltering and moist Georgia summers. At some point, she strangely attempted to take off her garments to scrub down at the  shelter. She couldn’t. Sweat and earth had put them to her body, and my friend’s mother needed to scam them her. She became insane when we requested to talk with her. As I helped set up the camera in the cafeteria to dish over the room, I became overpowered watching everybody. Dwindle petitioned God for his green card. Wear showed the tattoo that was rarely finished. The Bag Lady gazed out the window at her stop with the expectation that her transport would at last show up. I could just think about that fantasy conceded. My investigations in vagrancy proceeded with long after the camera quit rolling. I  conducted more meetings, this time for myself. The vast majority of these individuals were tossed onto the roads in light of the fact that a  unexpected obligation had overturned their  already unpredictable check to-check presence, or on the grounds that they were addicts who had never discovered satisfactory recovery, or on the grounds that they had a dysfunctional behavior. Understanding the delicacy of the line that isolates â€Å"person†from â€Å"homeless person†has helped me treat everybody with empathy. Rather than addressing the destitute on not utilizing government assistance to purchase medications or embracing my tote as I speed by a recreation center seat, I set aside some effort to hear them out. This experience additionally helped when I worked for the Obama crusade. I enrolled a larger number of individuals to cast a ballot in one day than most assistants did in seven days, since I moved toward the individuals lying on park seats, the ex-criminals and vagrants who didn’t realize that they could cast a ballot in Georgia. One man cried as he rounded out the enlistment structure; the State of Georgia had taken his vote from him 20 years prior. From that point forward, the Savannah crusade held drives at all the destitute havens. Finding out about the predicament of vagrants has made my reality somewhat more delightful. I took in the distinction between a mandolin and a guitar from a road performer named Guitar Bob. I found out about the historical backdrop of metal  music from Don. Al showed me how to weave a rose out of palm tree leaves. In particular, I discovered that these individuals are not government assistance leeches, tranquilize abusers, or society’s affliction to hold up under. Vagrants have explicit issues that aren’t difficult to oversee, and with a smidgen of exertion and  ingenuity, maybe one day their transport will at long last come.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
SARS Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SARS Disease - Essay Example During that period, he accidentally contaminated others that thusly caused a progression of SARS flare-ups in Toronto, Canada and different zones the world over. The transmission of the sickness has been brisk inferable from the little invulnerability of individuals to the recently developed crown infection. Also, it supposedly is generally proficient in a medicinal services setting, influencing the human services laborers, patients and relatives of tainted people. The high disease rates among the human services laborers have represented need or inability to consent to the Infection Control (IC) measures prompting enormous scope flare-ups (Shaw, 2006). The worldwide spread of this pandemic has additionally exhibited the test of fighting irresistible maladies in a globalized world. The powers of globalization-remembering fast development for universal exchange and travel have intensified their spread and effect ((Hoffmann, 2003) The abrupt rise and the fast worldwide across the board of this new irresistible malady, which opposes traditional treatments, represents an incredible danger to the general wellbeing and underscores an earnest need to create strong procedures to forestall, screen and contain the sickness flare-up. In view of the Koch's proposes, SARS-Co V, the causative operator of SARS illness, was resolved to be a novel individual from the request Nidovirales, family Coronaviridae, and class Coronavirus. It is a huge, encompassed positive sense-single abandoned RNA infection including an enormous genome of 29.7 Kb (Youjun, 2007). Similarly as with different coronaviruses, SARS-Co V can be distinguished on electron microscopy by the nearness of a crown of enormous, unmistakable spikes in the envelope (Thomas, 2003). Genomic explanations have uncovered that it comprises of around 14 utilitarian open understanding casings (ORFs). They encode for three classes of proteins: I) Two enormous polyproteins (pp1a and pp1ab), which are divided into 16 non-basic proteins, basic for viral RNA union, II) Four basic proteins-surface (S), envelope (E), lattice (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, fundamental for viral get together, and III) Eight embellishment proteins, which present a particular favorable position in a contaminated host cell. The underlying official of the viral envelope and the host cell film is interceded by surface protein (S) (Satija, 2007). With just 50-60 % nucleotide succession personality of the SARS-Co V with other known coronaviruses, it is a formerly obscure Coronavirus, most likely from a non-human host that by one way or another gained the capacity to contaminate people. Different investigations have shown that SARS-Co V overflowed from an untamed life repository (most likely bats ) to human populace by means of a middle of the road have and that fast infection advancement assumed a key job in the adjustment of the infection to non-supply species (Thomas, 2003). Most of diseases happened in close contacts of patients showing that the transmission of the infection was by beads or by immediate and roundabout contact. Epidemiological investigations have demonstrated that SARS is tolerably as opposed to exceptionally transmissible. Notwithstanding, in certain occurrences, the supposed too spreader patients transmitted the infection to countless people. The flare-up of the irresistible sickness has been fundamentally ascribed to these super spreaders and nosocomial enhancement. The run of the mill brooding period for the sickness ran from four to six days and the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Proposal Writing Service - How It Can Benefit You
Research Proposal Writing Service - How It Can Benefit YouIf you are in search of a PhD research proposal writing service to be hired for writing a good proposal, then it would be quite natural for you to turn to research proposal writing services to help you with this kind of project. With all the benefits they offer, such a service can do wonders for you in terms of the project scope and the quality of the final product that you will get.You should look for companies that offer samples and then try to determine how things are done in practice. Check out some of the samples that have been published and check if they are enough to attract the attention of the client. Most of the people prefer research papers that are unique and simple, but at the same time, elegant and clever.When it comes to writing the research papers, the phrase 'the more the merrier' can actually serve as the inspiration for many researchers. Sometimes, it is actually required to be creative in order to come up w ith ideas and even structures to utilize. But when writing a PhD research proposal, one should think twice before doing so because there might be certain problems that might arise if it is too informal or too formal. This kind of project usually requires too much attention to details and accuracy.Once you feel that the research paper has reached this stage, it is time to make a call and go for more than just a one-page summary. The research proposal writing service you use should be able to help you keep your research as well as the way it has been written coherent and grammatically correct. Most of the PhD research proposal writing services also offer some kind of technical assistance and consultation during the preparation process so that you will not find yourself facing any trouble or problems in the future.The most important aspect of the research proposal writing service you employ is the ability to analyze and interpret the project well and then present it according to the cl ient's specifications. Asidefrom analyzing the project, it also includes explaining the nature of the study and identifying the target audience.The last part of the proposal is the introduction, which states the main requirements and objectives of the client. After this, the services would provide the guidelines to prepare the research papers, which are basically a series of questions and/or answer questions. The purpose of these is to formulate the specifics of the topic thoroughly and set an accurate and acceptable guideline for the entire project.All in all, the research proposal writing service should be able to provide all the information necessary for the client to reach his/her goal. With this, he/she will no longer have any regrets in hiring such a service because his/her hard work and efforts are being rewarded.In conclusion, the PhD research proposal writing service should be able to provide the necessary guidance, support and guidance in writing the research papers that w ill attract the attention of the client and give him/her a clear idea of what is to be achieved from the project. The client will also be assured that the written report will be professionally done so that the project meets the deadline and goes as planned.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Mass Medi The Spread Of Digital Media Communication
Is the mass media likely to survive the spread of digital media communication? The purpose of this essay is to explore if mass media is likely to survive the spread of digital media communication. Firstly, this essay discusses the definition of mass media, as well as when and where it originated in order to gain a better background understanding. It then goes on to discuss the growing popularity of digital media and how mass media communication still prevails despite the new digital media. In the conclusion it considers convergence and hybridity and other solutions that traditional mass media can take into account in order to persist throughout the digital media era. Mass media is definitive as any means of communication that has the†¦show more content†¦New media is evolving rapidly with digital media having exploded in less than a decade continuing to develop steadily. Showing continual growth in the market, digital media is here to stay for a very long time. Digital technologies have fundamentally have altered and reinvented the way we communicate; we now have access to information about virtually anything instantaneously. Not only is digital media instant the internet was also designed to be decentralized so that control is distributed to all users, where anyone on the internet can be an author, helping shape a homogeneous society. Because of this the digital space is seen as the perfect place for participatory democracy and debates, creating an equal relationship between the sender and receiver (Maier, 2010). The internet is a dominant player, and technology can be used to deliver more content at a faster pace, e.g. article in a new spaper only featuring 2 photos while a web-based version of the same story can contain multiple as well as videos (Kaul, 2012). The internet has come a long way since it was first invented, the World Wide Web was created in 1991. Initially created by Tim Berners-Lee, it was a way for physicists to share information around the world without using all the same types of hardware and software (Bryant, 2001). It quickly developed into a global platform; a system of interconnected computer networks. The internet is now primarily used for quick access to information,Show MoreRelatedIntroduction of Sahara India Pariwar16656 Words  | 67 PagesSubroto Roy, is the head of the $10bn ( £5.5bn) Sahara Group. Sahara Group has interests in banking, media and housing. Subroto Roy began his journey in 1978, when he founded Sahara in 1978 with three workers in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh as a small deposits Para-banking business. Today, the group has diversified into a giant business conglomerate with interests in housing, entertainment, media and aviation. Sahara Group is in entertainment and news television cha nnels, a newspaper, and claimsRead MoreHsc General Math Textbook with Answers153542 Words  | 615 PagesCambridge HSC general mathematics / G. K. Powers. 9780521138345 (pbk.) Cambridge general mathematics. For secondary school age. Mathematics–Textbooks. Mathematics–Problems, exercises, etc. 510 ISBN 978-0-521-13834-5 Paperback Reproduction and Communication for educational purposes The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of the pages of this publication, whichever is the greater, to be reproduced and/or communicated by any educational institution for its
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on Term Limits We Dont Need Career Politicians
Elections, especially of representatives and counselors, should be annual, there not being in the whole circle of the sciences a maxim more infallible than this, where annual elections end, there slavery begins. These great men . . . should be [chosen] once a year  Like bubbles on the sea of matter bourn, they rise, they break, and to the sea return. This will teach them the great political virtues of humility, patience, and moderation, without which every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey. â€â€John Adams Government exists to serve the people, and not the politicians, American citizens know this. Polls show that Americans want term limitation by margins as high as three-to-one, even four-to-one. Congressional term†¦show more content†¦Many people think that with term limits we would lose experience, maturity, and knowledge of the workings of Congress. However, this is not correct. The workings of Congress need not be nearly so complex as careerists would have us think. However, great pains have been exerted to give us that impression. A term-limited Congress could get the nations business accomplished in a fraction of the time that it takes now, with all the posturing, posing, ego trips and headline-grabbing. And a term-limited Congress could streamline all the procedures. As for experience we would be better off without some of it. What is needed is experience in the real world life experiences from new blood, with fresh ideas. With term limits, congressional staff peopl e would gain control, is another widely used argument against term limits. The fallacy of that argument is that the staff people already have control. Through the years, Congress has abdicated it to them. Committee staffs write the legislation, and members staffs read it, then tell members whats in it. Members themselves rarely read what they vote on. In a country where ignorance of the law is no excuse, members of Congress are often ignorant of many of the provisions of laws they vote on. Congress and its members could regain control from the staffs right now, if they had the will. They dont have the will. A term limited Congress that had the will could get control of the staffs in a very short period ofShow MoreRelatedThe President s Presidential Election1871 Words  | 8 Pagesactually fit to be president. He is one of the only people in this nation’s history that has managed to become the presidential elect without being a career politician or having any background ex perience in that area, and that alone deserves at least a little bit of recognition. For as long as anyone can remember this country has been ran by politicians who have time and time again disappointed the American people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Manage Quality Customer Service - 1633 Words
HQCS: Manage Quality Customer Service Student Guide BSBCUS501A: Manage Quality Customer Service Elements of competence Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements Ensure delivery of quality products and/or services Monitor, adjust and review customer service 1 BSB51107 Diploma of Management _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Module description This module covers the skills and knowledge required to advise on and carry out customer service strategies and to evaluate those strategies on the basis of feedback and design for service improvement. Learning outcomes Students will, upon successful completion of this unit understand the needs of both†¦show more content†¦Your Customer Service Plan should include: A vision and mission that refers to internal and external customers Product standards that include: o dimensions o tolerances o pricing o material o delivery Policies and procedures for: o identifying customer needs that conform to the RATER model o responding to customer complaints o obtaining customer feedback, including a feedback questionnaire o updating the plan that includes: – contingency changes due to unforseen events – routine reviews with no more than annual intervals. All policies and procedures should: Be clear and unambiguous Be realistic and achievable Contain prescriptive instructions for realistic scenarios Contain decision trees and / or flow diagrams. Your assessor will be looking for a plan that: Is clearly written in plain English Is easy to navigate Has correct spelling and grammar Contains sufficient evidence to meet the outcomes listed above Shows consistency in the use of: o fonts o bullets o headings Has any charts and tables produced. HMQCS Manage Quality Customer Service Student Guide v 2.0 August 2010 Page 4 BSB51107 Diploma of Management _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Assessment Task 2 Responding to Customer ComplaintsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Manage Quality Customer Service4529 Words  | 19 Pages | |Manage Quality Customer Service | |This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure | |products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation. 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Investigate the needs of families in the local areaRead MoreSample Strategy Maps1108 Words  | 5 PagesFinancial Perspective Leader in Strategic Markets Increased Shareholder Value Diversify Revenue Streams Predictable Profitability â€Å"Customer Intimacy†â€Å"eBusiness Solution Leadership†Flexible, Innovative Solutions One Stop Accountability Deliver Comprehensive Solutions â€Å"Operational Excellence†Consistently Meets Expectations Customer Perspective Lifelong Advisor Proactively Deliver Value Easy to do business with Internal Perspective Build Lifelong Relationships Read MoreHqm=Cs1604 Words  | 7 PagesHQCS: Manage Quality Customer Service Student Guide BSBCUS501A: Manage Quality Customer Service Elements of competence Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements Ensure delivery of quality products and/or services Monitor, adjust and review customer service 1 BSB51107 Diploma of Management _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Module description This module covers the skills and knowledge required to advise on andRead MoreBus 430 Assignment 2: Inventory Management1369 Words  | 6 Pages(2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory and complete this assignment. 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You want to be able to centralize the administration of streaming servers, the disk storage of large audio and video files, and, of course, you want to be able to restrict and monitor bandwidth from the same central location. You want to provide simple self-service to end-users while maintaining control. You also need to track usage by de partment and bill your internal customers based on their usage, when applicable. MACCIUSRead MoreThe Expectation Management Of A Parcel Delivery Company1522 Words  | 7 Pageslevel of service in order to redefine the company’s business model. It will look at the promises the company makes and if they are realistic and how they will follow through, the choices it offers it customers and if the too are realistic or sustainable. The intent is to create a tiered-value offering based on the customers communicated service criteria. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership Analysis Of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel †Free Samples
Question: Discuss About The Leadership Analysis Of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel? Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to strategically analyze the leadership qualities, process and the outcomes of these for an influential leader. This project aims to guide us in studying how the well known leaders demonstrated exemplary leadership and identifying the strengths and weakness of their leadership qualities and decisions. The leader selected for this assessment is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was an Indian freedom fighter and social leader who is more popularly known as the Iron man of India. He was a phenomenal leader displaying exceptional leadership and decision making abilities accounting to the integration of the princely states of India in the form that we know it at present. Born in a small town of Gujrat by the name Nadiad on 31st October 1875 to Zaverbhai Patel and Ladbai, he was a self-educated man (Ganga, 2015). He was a lawyer who was immensely successful in his career and drew inspiration from the life, philosophies and work of Mahatma Gandhi. Among the nationalist freedom fighters of India, he was also known as Gandhis Lieutenant. He led from the front and enjoyed the support and respect of the entire nation as a representative of the Indian National Congress. He was responsible for the organization of the Kheda and Bardoli peasants during the mass civil disobedience movement which was a non-violent protest against the oppressive British ruling over India at that time (Sharma, Singh, Singh, 2015). He also provided his leadership and guidance for the organization of the Quit India Movement leading India to independence in the year 1947. He was a prominent member of the Indian National Congress who supported the party and helped them in preparing f or the elections in both 1934 and 1937. He is still revered for his straightforward approach and decisive leadership that helped with the integration of the Indian states. In this report we are going to study the leadership style of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel understanding his leadership style and the specific traits and skills he possessed that helped him become the revered leader that he is today (Burdman, 2000). Notable works and achievements Although the entire life of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is full of instances and episodes that give us much to emulate, this section comprises of his notable works from which we can draw inspiration and understand his leadership qualities and style. His most popular and revered role was in the integration of the Indian states. He handled the integration of the princely states single handedly by his diplomatic and farsighted leadership. The Indian subcontinent was functioning as 562 independent princely states under the British rule. In July 1947, he sensed the urgency and the need for integration of the Indian states and followed a determined and iron handed policy for it. He communicated it to the states that none of them could remain independent and function in isolation within the Indian territory. He was able to convince the Princes and the Kings by invoking their national sentiment and persuaded them to contribute in making India the democratic nation declaring its freedom from the British rule in August 1947. He managed to do this without waging a civil war, securing the solidarity of the country. Post Independence, he was made the first Deputy Prime Minister of India and also given the charge of the Home Ministry. He established the Indian Administrative Services and the Indian Police Service and was a member of the Constituent Assembly. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who wrote the constitution of independent India was appointed on the recommendation of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He was the chairman of the committee formed in India for tribal, minorities and excluded areas (Menon, 2014). He also organized the dairy sector of India guiding the Gujrati dairy farmers towards the creation of Kaira District co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited which continues to be the largest dairy operations of India known by the brand name of Amul. Amul was responsible for the spur of white revolution in India making it the world's largest producer of milk and milk products. During the Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1947, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel suggested immediate action from the then Prime Minist er Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. Nehru, however, decided to go to the United States for the arbitration. The situation eventually got worse and Patel himself oversaw the military operations supporting the then Defence Minister Baldev Singh during the war and they were able to retrieve a lot of the invaded territory back. He also opposed the release of Rs. 55 crore by the Government of India to the Pakistani Government arguing that the money would ultimately be used by Pakistan to finance the war against India (Divas, 2014). However Mahatma Gandhi, fearing further communal violence between the two nations, decided to go ahead with the decision. Studying about his life and his inborn leadership qualities, we can safely say that Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a farsighted visionary leader whose uncompromising and influential life has rightly earned him the title of Iron man of India. Leadership skills demonstrated by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel The ability to take right decision at the right time made Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel a true Iron man. This is a virtue that most of the politicians and self proclaimed leaders lack in todays world. Sardar Patel displayed Transformation Leadership style all through his life. Sardar is a title which is given to the leader or chief in various Indian languages. Living up to his title, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and his life are an inspirational journey, giving us much to learn from. Some of the leadership qualities and skills that we can draw inspiration from displayed by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel are listed here: Sense of reality: He always adopted the straightforward approach, expressing what he thought clearly and boldly. He did not let ideologies and principles drive him towards delusional fantasy (Government, 2008). Determination: He was determined and could anticipate the results before he began acting. He was determined and focused with his efforts and did not falter or fall weak once he had his eyes set on the goal. Invincible: He had the ability to fight against all odds and show the invincibility and resilience. He took up the mammoth task of integration of a nation and was able to achieve it with his focused efforts. Decision making skills: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patels success can also be attributed to his excellent and quick decision making skills. He always made the right decision at the right time. Influence: Among the qualities of a great leader is their ability to influence their subordinates and peers. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was an influential leader whose opinion was sought by the other prominent leaders and he extended help and guidance to the people in need acquiring a mass following. Conflict resolution: He was able to convince all 562 states to unite and integrate into one nation without any civil wars of protests. He was also able to handle to difficult negotiation and conflicts of the Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir, which is again a sign of exemplary leadership (Krishna, 2002). Adaptability: He could easily and effortlessly adapt to any situation. He was imprisoned a number of times during the freedom struggle and he had to travel across the length and breadth of the country at the time of integration. He displayed adaptability and flexibility in its truest sense. Planning and execution: The entire integration of the states was planned and executed by him. He was responsible for the nomination of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru as the first prime minister, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar as the member of the constituent assembly and various other leaders. His farsightedness and excellent planning are looked up to by leaders in even in the present day and age. Team player: In order to lead a team, a leader must play by the rules and display the characteristics of a good team player. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was an excellent team player. He continued to contribute and work towards the welfare of the country, even when his proposals were not accepted by the other leaders. He always had the best interest of the nation in his heart and this was visible in all his actions (Talukdar, 2015). Effective utilization of available resources: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel thought on his feet and made the best possible use of the resources available to him. Both the national and corporate leaders can learn a lot by emulating his characteristics and qualities. Strengths and weaknesses of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as a leader Some people become leaders by training and struggling and then there are others who are born to lead. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel can be safely categorized in the latter category. He in an example of a leader who leads by example. Under his leadership, people were impressed and influenced and he was able to achieve all his desired goals. He had mastered the skill of negotiation and could convince people into making them do what he aimed for. He displayed exceptional social and emotional intelligence and was empathetic to the people and understood their needs (Sigma, 2009). Lord Mountbatten who was the last Viceroy of India described him as the a leader who had his feet firmly on the ground, but even when his feet were firmly planted on the ground, he had his eyes set on goals much higher than anyone could have anticipated at that time. He was a visionary leader who had pictured the independent and integrated India long before it became a reality and worked towards its achievement. He ma de use of coercive power to make the states like Junagarh fall in line with the rest of the states. He had a lot of faith in the capitalists and he believed that the industrialists and the capitalists could lead the nation towards economic development. He also believed in creating a promising future for the citizens by creating employment opportunities for them working with the industrialists and the capitalists again. He also took some tough decisions like waging a war while the cabinet and the Prime Minister himself were against the decision displaying his enduring bravery. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a nationalist leader always having the best interest of his country in his mind. He also had a lot of respect for his culture and religion. He led from the forefront in the restoration and reconstruction of the Somanth Temple, which is a revered Hindu temple located in Saurashtra, Gujarat. A leader cannot please everyone all the time and this can be proved with the life of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as well. He was always willing to give it all, in everything that he did. Living by the famous sutra by Acharya Chanakya, he made use of 1) Saam: to advice and ask 2) Daam: to offer and buy 3) Dand: to punish and 4) Bhed: exploiting the secret strategies to achieve what he believed was right. Some people have a general impression of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as an anti-Muslim. He had a fighting spirit and a never-say-die attitude. He had a rock strong will and the strength to face any obstacle and break through it. Although he looked up to the leadership of Mahat ma Gandhi so much that he suffered a heart attack on getting the news of his assassination, he could openly oppose and contradict him for what he considered right (Aggarwal, 2014). Lord Wavell, who was the second to last Viceroy of India describes Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as communal and the only Indian leader who had the ability to stand up to Mahatma Gandhi and contradict him, rightly titled as the Iron man of India. He was highly capable, selfless and righteous leader with an iron will. Taking command of the Indian National Congress, he was selected by thirteen of the sixteen provincial governing parties of the Indian National Congress as the first Prime Minister of India. However, on the instructions of his leader and mentor Mahatma Gandhi, he stepped out of the way for Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru to take up that responsibility. He did not shy away from visiting the states with communal disturbances. He talked to the warring communities, calmed them down and made India a peaceful s tate making use of his intelligence, wit and convincing nature. He was also responsible for the handling of the inflow of refugees from Pakistan at the time of separation and managed the safe inflow, relocation and provisioning of 1.5 million people. He himself ensured their safety in the refugee camps and made sure there were no conflicts, starvation or health hazards breaking there. He was against the Chinese occupation of Tibet and even warned Jawahar Lal Nehru of the impending attack by the Chinese. He is therefore also referred to as the foster father of the nation with the list of his contribution no less than the father of the nation and his mentor Mahatma Gandhi. Conclusion The entire life of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is nothing short of a lesson on leadership. He continues to inspire the people and there is much to learn from his life. He was a self learned leader who helped in shaping the course of a country as huge and diverse as India. He was highly capable, selfless and righteous leader with an iron will. He lead from the front and was a phenomenal leader who displayed exceptional leadership and decision making abilities contributing to the integration of the princely states of India in the form that we know it at present. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a farsighted visionary leader whose uncompromising and influential life has rightly earned him the title of Iron man of India. He displayed exceptional social and emotional intelligence and was empathetic to the people and understood their needs. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a nationalist leader always having the best interest of his country in his mind. He also had a lot of respect for his culture and religion. References Aggarwal, A. (2014). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: Indian Economy - With and Without Sardars Ideology. Retrieved from Burdman, M. (2000, February 04). Creation of the Indian Union: how a new nation was formed. EIR News Service Inc. journal, 27(5), 56-67. Retrieved from Divas, E. (2014). Welcomes you to the Exhibition on and about Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: As a mark of honor for his contributions to Indias Unity, Safety and Security. Retrieved from Ganga, S. (2015). The Indian States And Sardar Patel. Retrieved from Government, I. (2008). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel the iron-man of India. Retrieved from Krishna, B. (2002). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Retrieved from Menon, V. (2014). The Story Of The Integration Of The Indian States. Retrieved from Sharma, D., Singh, S., Singh, A. (2015).management Values Of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel In Indian Politics. Retrieved from Sigma, Y. (2009). 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